Choosing The Best Place To Swing
Choosing the best place to swing comes from a combination of research and experience. A particular method that we like to use is asking around on the local online dating platforms in order to find a good swinger hub. More often than not, the users we have befriended through the adult dating websites have a good amount of input for us to use, and their recommendation usually checks out. You don’t necessarily have to use our technique; you can ask around in your personal social network, use Google to see the highest rated swinger clubs out there. Eventually you will have to walk into one of these places, and that’s the only way that you can really tell whether or not that is the best place for you to swing.
Finding The Top Place For Swinging
While you can receive good recommendations from solid sources that you really trust, the only way that you will really find the top place for swinging is by bringing your partner to an apparently good swingers club and see what the environment is like there. Chances are that, if your source is sufficiently trustworthy, the place that they recommend will check out. However, there’s always the chance that you run into a bad swinger club despite the validity of your source. Trust us: if you walk into a crappy, sketchy swinger club, then you should definitely walk right out the same way you came in. Because, as bad as most conventional clubs can get, swinger clubs add a whole new meaning to the word bad. Some of these clubs smell like crap, and there’s a weird, sticky substance on the floor that makes it hard to walk. That’s not even the worst part; the worst part are all the regular couples at the club who eye you as you make your way in, and they make you feel like a baby brown bear who’s about to get spitroasted. The experience of a sketchy swinger club is a nightmare-inducing one, and we highly recommend staying out of that underground sphere for as long as you possibly can.
Swinging Advice: Stay Protected
So, you might have eventually made your way to a great swingers club with an amazing ambiance and lots of couples who are ready to get down to dirty business with you and your girlfriend. This is great news, and everyone involved should celebrate it. However, our main point of swinging advice to you is to stay protected through each and every one of your swinging encounters. Protection is important when it comes to conventional sex between two people, but it is especially crucial when it comes to group sex. With so many private areas being tossed around, it can be very easy for someone to get infected with some sort of disease if they are not well-protected. Aside from that, there’s always the looming possibility of an unplanned pregnancy occurring, and you definitely don’t want to tell your future child that he was conceived during a swinging party, and that you aren’t even his real father.
Swinging Tips: Pleasing Different People
Now that we got the boring part out of the way, let’s jump back into the fun with some sexual swinging tips. While conventional sex requires you to please just one person, swinging invites the challenge of pleasing several women in the same night. While that sounds like a daunting task to some men, that might be music to your ears if you’re the type of person to be open to new challenges. All that’s left to do is to go penetrate as many women in the group sex event as possible, and be attentive to all of their desires along the way. You might just emerge from the event as a veritable sex god.
Organizing A Swinging Event At Your Place
If you’ve attended other people’s swinging parties for a long enough time, you might feel the urge to start your own swinging event at your place. This is great news, as it means that you are becoming an important contributor to your local swinging community. Make sure that you have all of the food and beverages needed to sustain as many people as are coming to your party — they will all need the energy, after all. Then, the only thing that’s left is to dim the light, have everyone take off their clothes, and engage in some good old fashioned swinging fun.