Learning Your Swinger Lingo
So, are you thinking of joining the wonderful world of swingers? If you are, then that’s great news. Conventional sex between two people is great and all, and for a lot of people that’s really all there is to sex. However, you might have found a lull in you and your partner’s sexual lives, and the only thing that seems to be able to fix it is some solid group sex with some good, hot new friends. If you’re planning to enter the swinging subculture, then you need to instantly familiarize yourself with a few new things. For example, learning your swinger lingo is absolutely key if you plan on being a part of this crazy new world. Phrases like ‘Hey, do you want to switch over?’ and ‘Mind the rump’ are key to initiating yourself into the swinger subculture. The former is a simple one which simply means that the dude next to you wants to switch partners. The latter is a more in-depth one, and a man will say that to you if he sees that you are spanking his partner’s behind too much while having sex. There are a wide variety of terms to get to know if you’re thinking of joining this lifestyle, and you need to familiarize yourself with the basic ones before continuing.
Figuring Out How Swingers Speak
Swingers speak in a wide variety of ways which all depend on their upbringing and their specific swinging methods. In familiarizing yourself with swinger speak, you will find that you will develop your own style in communicating with your fellow swingers, and you will instantly be recognized among the swinging subculture for your unique way of speaking. Just as you must familiarize yourself the the swinging terms of old, you might just introduce new swinging terms that future swingers will use for generations to come. In fact, you just might become a swinging legend in your own right one day. But before we think about all that, it’s first time to cover the basics. Once we build a solid foundation for swinging, then we can resume our adventures of swinging low and swinging high.
Using An Online Swinger Dictionary
You can use an online swinger dictionary in order to truly familiarize with the terms that you’ll need to play the game. We recommend going through the list of reputable swinger terms that you find on blogs and websites. Then, it might be a good idea to visit online dating websites centralizing on swingers. Use the adult dating platforms to find yourself a virtual penpal who is an experienced swinger himself. Ask him for some in-depth swinger terms that not all blogs have, and if he is kind, he will likely share his knowledge with you.
Knowing Your Swinging Terms
Knowing your swinging terms is just part of the swinging game. Then there is the whole matter of etiquette, which is an entire topic within itself that is too vast and deep to cover here. Basically, there are rules when it comes to swinging, and you must follow those rules if you plan on being a part of the local swinging community. If you follow these rules, men all around you will allow you to sleep with their wives on the condition that they could sleep with yours. However, if you break the rules of swinging etiquette, you will be effectively banished from the swinging community and will never have the chance to return again. For example, the cardinal rule of swinging is a complete mindset of selflessness when it comes to sharing your woman. If you go to a swinging party and attempt to have sex with every wife that moves, without offering your own wife to their husbands in return, you will be thrown out of the party and you just might get your butt kicked as well. Don’t be selfish when swinging, that’s rule number one.
Being A Swinging Virgin
Being a virgin is never easy, and if you’re a swinging virgin, it’s like being a virgin all over again. You have to relearn everything you know about sex, and familiarize yourself with the rules in order to get good at this new game that you’re planning Throughout the learning experience, it’s important not to get discouraged, as you will acquire new techniques through every swinging event that you attend. Aside from that, each lesson you receive will be a totally fun one, since you will get to have sex with hot wives throughout the whole experience. Really, it’s not the worst position to be in. We think you’ll do just fine.