A first date is a test of character
In life, our personal characters are tested pretty much every day, to varying extents. In an average day, where you engage in the same sort of routine over and over again, there really isn’t much room for your character to be tested, although certain challenges will inevitably come at you, and you won’t always see them coming. However, in the situation of a first date, your sense of self is being tested literally several times every minute. The woman that you are seeing has never met you before, and she has all her senses firmly fixed on you in order to get your personality and unique characteristics down to the T. Be aware during your first date ventures that you are constantly being analyzed and verified by the women you are seeing, and don’t let yourself slip up even once. Particularly in first dates generated from online hookup platforms, the woman that you meet is especially curious of seeing who you are aside from who she chatted with during her online dating website experience with you. Be constantly vigilant, and show your first date what you’re made of.
You need to make sure you impress her
If you’re looking to get laid on the very first date, then you need to make sure that you impress her. Women rarely sleep with men on the first date, and they will only do so in cases where they found that their man was far too impressive to resist sleeping with right after they met them. It’s hard to find verified signs that a woman is impressed by you throughout the first date; constant laughter is always a good sign, and her twirling her hair is a classic body language mechanism that communicates to you the information that you are doing a good job on your date and you should continue going with the flow. However, in our experience, it’s best not to even venture a guess as to what a woman is thinking about when it comes to you. All we can really do is focus on being as impressive as we possibly can, and hoping that some of the effect rubs off on her. Really, at the end of the day, all we need to do is be comfortable in our own skin, and this will lead us to behaving like our absolute best selves throughout the date.
Get tipsy, don’t get drunk
A first date is usually filled with a long line of drinks from the restaurant to the bar, which is fine. Alcohol tends to loosen the tongue, after all, and a first date filled with lively conversation is probably what a successful first date looks like. However, it’s important to keep in mind that you can destroy all of the great progress you’ve worked towards by getting too drunk and falling over as you try to leave the bar. Nothing is more of a turn-off to a hot single woman than seeing the man she is dating flat on his face on the barroom floor. Avoid that catastrophe by moderating your drinks, and slowing things down once you feel that you are starting to get sufficiently tipsy. Tipsy is great, drunk is not. By moderating the amount of drinks that flow through the night, you will also be ensuring that your date does not get too drunk herself, which is also in everyone’s best interests.
Be classy when you make your move
When you make your move, it should be done in a confident, yet classy way. Be a proper gentleman when you kiss her and ask her to go back to your place for some orange juice and TV. By that, we of course don’t mean that you’ll be drinking juice and watching Power Rangers during your date, but you get the point. A woman wants to feel like she is seeing James Bond or Casablanca on her first date, so you should embody those characteristics when making your final move.
Behave first, be naughty later
We know that you just want to jump into the fray of sex as soon as possible, but that is not the most optimal way to go about things during a first date. If you plan on being naughty at the end of the night, you must first behave throughout the first date, and really win her over to your side. A woman wants to have sex with you as well, she just wants to be sufficiently warmed up and impressed by you before doing so. Follow the proper rules of dating, and we have no doubt that you will emerge from your first date completely victorious.