Everyone has the fantasy of having sex with the hot girl next door, but that fantasy only rarely ever becomes a reality. However, with the advent of adult hookup forums, bachelors are given the opportunity to meet up with their hot neighbors online and chat with them about explicitly sexual things. Once the conversation comes to a lull, your neighbor will be waiting for you to invite her over, and we definitely suggest obliging her on that.
Finding Casual Sex Where You Least Expect It
Many men don’t know this, but you can actually find casual sex in places where you would least expect to find it, such as with your hot neighbor, especially if you find your neighbor on an online dating website. As you browse through your favorite adult dating sites, you might actually see your neighbor’s face pop up on the list of neighboring singles, and this gives you an open avenue to speaking with her and trying to see if she’s into the idea of casual sex with someone like you. Because you live right next door, neither you nor your hot neighbor will have to travel very far in order to get laid, and that’s something that can definitely work in both of your favors.
Hooking Up With Your Hot Neighbor
After you have your funny online chat with your hot neighbor and arranging a quick meet up, you will effectively be put on a red carpet that leads straight to sex with her. All she will have to do is take twenty or thirty steps outside of her front door, and she will be within proximity of your bedroom, where all the magic happens. In cases of hooking up with your neighbor, you will even get to bypass the obstacle of having to actually go out into town and taking her to a restaurant before hooking up with her. You can simply arrange for her to come to your place, cook a nice meal for her, get two or three bottles of wine ready, and the rest of the evening will speak for itself.
How To Make Your Move On The Girl Next Door
After you have eaten your fill of supper and you and your hot neighbor have downed two or three bottles of wine, then the temptation of the bedroom will start to loom over you more powerfully than before. At that point, it’s time to make your move on the hot girl next door. Really, this doesn’t require much elaborate planning or effort on your part. You don’t have to do much at all, actually. You can simply look into her eyes for a few seconds, then turn your head clearly to look at the bedroom, then back at her. She will get the point, and she will probably take the lead to walk over to the bedroom herself and lie down on your bed. Or, if eye contact does not get the point across, you can simply ask her if she would be interested in seeing your room. Show her your bookcase with all the new things you’ve read, maybe take her through a tour of your various dinosaur figurines, then abruptly make your move for a first kiss, get her clothes off and engage in your sexy no strings attached fun.
Wanting More Than A One Night Stand
After a hot one night stand with your neighbor, you might find yourself wanting more, and she might find herself in the same position. Thankfully, because she lives right next door, all it takes is just a couple steps in one direction for you two to recreate the insanely fun sexual night that you first engaged in. A hot neighbor as a sex pal is the best possible position for a young bachelor, because it means that you can have sex essentially any time you feel like it.
Seeing Your Hot Neighbor On An Online Dating Website
Seeing your neighbor on an online dating website is really the best possible position for you to be in. Sure, you can have sex with your neighbor in the classic, offline way, but if you find her on an explicit hookup site, you know that she’s in the game for the no strings sex that she can get, and she’ll know that you’re in it for the same reasons. A mutual understanding is key for any casual relationship, and starting it off with that kind of understanding right off the bat puts both you and your hot neighbor in the best possible position.